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    In any business environment, certain federal and state regulations, rules, and standards must be met and upheld. These are commonly referred to as compliances—and both employers and employees are responsible for adhering to them. Often, within a company, the bulk of the compliance work falls under the human resources (HR) umbrella.1 HR professionals are responsible for understanding which compliances must be met.

    They are also responsible for communicating those needs and developing ways for employees to meet them.
    This is a huge, and crucial, responsibility within any organization. and if mishandled, could have extremely negative effects on a company, with the potential to cause significant legal and financial impact. Understanding labor law compliance and what it requires of your company means having a grasp on the legal needs within a specific industry.

    labour law compliance

    For HR professionals without a legal background, this can be a difficult task. In today’s technologically advanced business world, compliance laws are evolving as rapidly as other workplace innovations, and new job functions are being created alongside new tools for communication and for conducting business. All of these changes have the potential to bring with them new rules and regulations for HR to learn and implement.

    One study revealed that more than half of all HR managers in small and mid-sized businesses struggle to keep up with the changing HR compliance and employment laws moving forward.

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